Yellowwood Log Staircase
“A customer saw this Yellowwood log and envisioned a staircase for his home in Hanover in the Northern Cape. I was commissioned to design and build this amazing piece. I was allowed to use my creativity to make this happen, but I could only do so as to how the log dictated.” said Johan Nel of Knysna Woodworkers.
“This made the job so much more difficult, as this Yellowwood log had so many different angles. It was also a logistical nightmare as the log weighs approximately 2 tons and a lot of mathematical engineering went into the design of the stairs.”
“The staircase itself is 2.5m wide by 2.6m high. The base of the log is 1.3m wide and tapers to 700m at the apex. The stairs are from Stinkwood and are fitted into the Yellowwood log. This staircase will be fitted onto the floor and then the house is going to be built around it.”
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